Q3 Beauty and Wellness Marketing Calendar to Maximize Your Salon & Spa Profits

As the third quarter of the year approaches, it’s an opportunity for salon and spa owners to strategize and maximize profits through effective marketing. This season isn’t about a change in weather; it’s also filled with unique holidays and weddings, which offer a chance to refresh your offerings, engage with your clients and boost profitability. Crafting a tailored marketing calendar for Q3 can open the door for new opportunities and set the stage for success. In this blog, we’ll delve into leveraging salon and spa marketing to maximize profits.

Salon & Spa Marketing Calendar for July

July embrace the season for summer glow and relaxation. During this period, you can focus on highlighting summer services and SPF products and promoting them online. 

Highlight Summer Services

This period provides a fantastic opportunity to sell themed packages. Introduce themed packages that are tailored to summer, such as hydrating facials, body scrubs, D-tanning treatments and hair repairs that protect them against sun damage.  

A few salon and spa package names for the summer season:r

  • Summer spa treatments
  • Summer facials
  • Radiant Skin Essentials
  • Cool Breeze Relaxation Package

Product Promotions

Focus on promoting skincare products with SPF, hydrating masks and hair care products that protect skin and hair from UV rays. Offer special discounts or bundles of trial packs and sales of product packages along with services. Also, encourage your clients to up-sell and cross-sell retail products with incentives.

Marketing Campaigns

Invest you’re time in advertising ideas, product promotions and offering discounts. Focus on creating and sending personalized messages, publishing client transformations, before-and-after images and client testimonials related to your summer services.

Few trending hashtags related to salon and spa summer sale promotions

#summerglow  #sunkissedskin  #beachreadybeauty  #summerspadays  #hydrationstation  #tropicaltreatments  #summersale  #summerselfcare  #radiantskin  #cooldownspecials  #summerpampering  #spaseason  #sunshinesavings  #summerrefresh  #spasale

July Key Marketing Dates

  • July 1st — Canada Day — Promote special discounts or themed services for Canadian clients
  • July 4th — USA Independence Day — Offer patriotic theme packages or discounts on popular services
  • July 5th — National Bikini Day — Promote waxing, tanning and body contouring services and offers discounts on pacakages
  • July 6th — International Kissing Day — Promote lip treatments or date makeup services and offer discounts on lip care products
  • July 7th — World Chocolate Day — Highlight chocolate-themed treatments such as chocolate facials or massages and sells chocolate-scented products.
  • July 24th — National Self-Care Day — Run a social media campaigns and encourage clients to share their self-care routines with your products and services.
  • July 29th — National Lipstick Day — Highlight makeup services and lip care products. Offer special discounts on lipsticks and provide free lip products with certain services.

Salon & Spa Marketing Calendar for August

August marks National Wellness Month and the end of summer, which is the perfect time to promote self-care packages, repair summer effect services and retail clearance sales. Try limited period discounts to promote services and products to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

Self-care Awareness Campaigns

Highlight the importance of self-care services and products on social media and through newsletters. Promote self-care awareness, offer stress-relief massages, calming aromatherapy treatments or mindfulness workshops. 

Retail Clearance Sales

During August, focus on clearance sales to create urgency and boost revenue. Offer clearance sales on summer products, offer attractive discounts and create bundles of summer products at a discounted rate.

Seasonal Treatments & Packages

Even though its the fall of summer, some of the other countries have monsoon seasons. So customize new treatments based on the seasons If it’s summer, focus on hydrating facials, hair repair treatments and body wraps. If the season is rainy, focus on water proof makeup, skin whitening and aesthetic solutions.

August Key Marketing Dates

  • August 15th —  National Relaxation Day — Promote relaxation-related products and services.
  • August 15th — Independence Day in India — Promote face painting, beauty products and other special offers.
  • August 12th — International Youth Day — Target youth by sending attractive campaigns focusing on youth-oriented packages.
  • August 26th National Dog Day — Highlight pet-related services and products focusing on dog wellness

Salon & Spa Marketing Calendar for September

September is the month of fall and rain, so offering fall-themed services like pumpkin spice facials, deep conditioning treatments or rejuvenating body wraps can improve client satisfaction. Offer packages that prepare clients for colder weather or rain.

Transition Services

Offer treatments that help clients transition from one season to another, addressing the impact of damage and preparing skin and hair for another season.

For example, If the client’s location is transitioning from summer to autumn, introduce packages like “Autumn Renewal,” featuring hydrating facials, deep conditioning treatments and body scrubs

Self-care Series

Create campaigns and educate clients on proper skin care routines, offer treatments to improve skin health, and promote services and products for personal care and self-improvement.

Marketing Execution

Send out newsletters or WhatsApp messages highlighting your September month offers, treatments and special events. Also, you can plan for a series of social media posts featuring client testimonials, new launches, discounts and more. Partner with local businesses, influencers and marketers to promote your business and reach wider audience.

September Key Marketing Dates

  • September 5th — International Day of Charity — Partner with local charities for fundraising events, offer discounts for clients who donate or host a charity drive at your salon or spa.
  • First Saturday of September — Worlds Beard Day — Offer special promotions on beard grooming services and products, host special competition and implement giveaways.
  • September 10th — World Suicide Prevention Day — Create awareness about mental health and suicide prevention. Host mental health awareness events, offer relaxation and wellness packages or stress relieving therapies
  • September 21st — International Day of Peace — Offer relaxation and stress-relief packages, host a peace-themed event, or partner with peace organizations for fundraising.
  • September 27th — World Tourism Day — Offer travel-themed packages and promotions, partner with local tourism boards, or provide special offers for tourists.
  • September 29th — World Health Day — Offer wellness packages focused on heart health, host educational events about healthy living, or partner with heart health organizations for fundraising.


Effectively planning your Q3 salon and spa marketing calendar can significantly impact your profit and client retention. By aligning your promotions with seasonal trends, focusing on client needs and utilizing digital marketing strategies, you can attract new clients while retaining existing ones. Implement these ideas, track results and adjust your approaches as needed to ensure a successful and profitable third quarter for your salons and spas.

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