5 Ideas to Give Your Salon Social Media Strategy a Boost

Salon social media strategy is one of the keys to your Salon’s success. Years ago, social media marketing was something totally unheard of. Facebook started as a fun way to share photos and personal experiences. As the platform began to gain popularity, brands quickly realized the untapped opportunities available online.
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Today, social media is one of the greatest gifts available for salons, spas, and beauty clinics. From ‘Insta-stylists’ to live technical videos, Facebook and Instagram have literally reinvented the way brands in the beauty industry communicate with their clients and prospects.
However, salon and spa owners find it extremely difficult to cope with the widespread changes social media platforms offer every now and then.
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If social media is not part of your marketing mix, it’s high time it should be.
5 Ideas to Give Your Salon Social Media Strategy a Boost
If you are looking to give your salon’s social media strategy a boost, these top five ideas have you sorted.
Pick two social media platforms:
The number one rule for choosing where to invest your salon social media strategy efforts is simple –be where your audience is. However, the majority of your salon/spa clients will be on Facebook and Instagram. Always limit your social media efforts to only two platforms. This will help you build your salon’s niche and get an active fan base. Once you have built your salon’s social media presence on two networks, you are ready to expand and you can reuse content from your two primary platforms.
Also Read: Tips To Create Like-Worthy Content On Your Salon Facebook Page
A common question salon owners have is why only Facebook and Instagram? Firstly, Facebook has a massive audience and incredibly-powerful targeting tools. It is literally every marketer’s dream. Instagram, on the other hand, is a ‘gift to God’ from the beauty industry. The visual-based social media network has 600m users. Know to engage with your Instagram Audience effectively. If your salon or spa is not on these two platforms, you are definitely missing out.
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Be consistent with posting:
Once you’ve successfully set up a business social media account for your salon, it’s time to start posting. When you post content online, consistency is key. A good place to start is by scheduling two social media posts per week. Once you are able to maintain this schedule, try increasing the number of posts per week until you find the right balance. You can even see how your audience is reacting to the content you post. If there is something specific they want from you, post that as well. For example, beauty hacks, makeup tutorials, etc.
Pro Tip: Create like-worthy content on your Salon’s Facebook Page
While it is important to post consistently, it is also important to post when your audience is online. Thus, instead of randomly posting every now and then, post when your audience is alert. For both Instagram as well as Facebook, 3 pm to 9 pm is the best time to post.

Find your niche:
Early in the lifecycle of your salon, it is important to find your niche. Do you want to brand yourself as a nail salon, hair salon, spa, massage center, or something else? Once you find the answer to this question, you will be able to create social media advocates. The best way to find your niche is by checking Your salon software. See the kind of clients that visit you, and their age group, and also keep track of the services they avail every time they step in. Finding a niche is particularly important for smaller salons. When you do so, you will be able to even outshine salons and spas with bigger marketing budgets. After you’ve figured out the niche you want to operate in, start posting content that your audience will resonate with. For example, if the majority of your clients are on Pinterest, post pictures of recent trendy haircuts, hair colors, nail art, hairstyles, and more. This can really give your social media strategy a boost.
Also Read: How To Find a Niche For Your Spa Using Spa Software?
Follow the 80/20 rule:
The main aim of social media is to engage with your target group. If you are not getting enough clicks, likes, and shares, that’s probably because your strategy is not that great. The secret to getting more engagement is to post content that is relevant to them. Your posts should be able to provide value to your audience, must be relevant to their needs, and should be able to instill a sense of trust in your offerings. Once you begin to focus on these elements, you’ll start winning the engagement game. Another area of social media most marketers struggle with is how often they should post sales-related content.
A good rule to follow is that 80% of your content should be fun and informative. Put yourself in the client’s shoes. Is this something you would be interested in reading? 20% of the content should focus on driving sales. It’s not necessary that every post of yours should include a sales pitch. The truth is that non-sales-related posts are more likely to drive engagement than the ones of the sales voice. At the end of every month, you can draw out social media performance reports on your salon appointment software to see which posts worked and which didn’t.
Check this: 5 Ideas to Give Your Salon Social Media Strategy a Boost
Interact with your audience:
Social media is not a one-way street. It’s called social for a reason. Thus, to stay on top of the game, it is important for you to interact with your audience. Make sure you’re not only commenting and replying to posts that you’ve created but also getting involved with your client’s queries and discussions. Being social is as much as listening as much as talking. Another way to show your clients that their feedback matters to you is by giving them surprise coupons and discount vouchers. In case you have a client who’s left a review on your salon software, give them a 10% coupon. A small gesture like this can really make them happy.
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Final tip:
The best way to give your social media strategy a boost is by a call-to-action (CTA) in your posts. It’s like a request for your reader to take action. In your post, you must mention what you want them to do such as like, comment, or share. Social media is a reflection of you and your salon. The kind of content you post will reflect in the number of walk-ins, new customers, social media followers, and unpaid advocates.
MioSalon, an online salon appointment software, has everything you need to let your salon grow. From streamlining online appointments to making marketing a breeze, running your beauty business has never been this easy.